Six Missing, Nils Frahm, Brian Eno, Olafur Arnalds
Six Missing, Nils Frahm, Brian Eno, Olafur Arnalds

Heartening tunesmith Six Missing uplifts with ‘Loving Kindness’

Image credit: Hannah Edelman

Under the imprint Sea Level Sounds, distinguished producer Six Missing released the singleLoving Kindness’. Additionally, Six Missing announced his upcoming EP Intention II  also via Sea Level Sounds. The avid and skillful pianist and guitarist presently residing in  Austin, Texas, USA has successfully fused his fondness for meditation and his deep interest in auditory sensation to produce a sound that is deeply relaxing. 

Listen Six Missing – ‘Loving Kindness’

The relaxing element in Loving Kindness’ is like entering a retreat that is located in heaven because the frequency of rhythm is light to the ears and it is like one is floating in the air. Particularly, the scattered and gentle underlying echoes of the chirping of birds feel like a beautiful dream that is guaranteed to refresh the dreamer throughout the day.  

Composer Six Missing sheds some light on the depth of the musing that the song aims to offer the listener:  “Loving Kindness is the second track on the EP and offers the listener a sonic journey through the deeper part of their meditation, the phase in which you’ve found your breath and have centered yourself in the moment. It’s the second layer of the inward journey. The track’s title gives a gentle suggestion of meditating on the meaning of Loving Kindness and how powerful the realization can be”.

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